June 2023- Community Service Opportunity

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Operation Gratitude: Letters Thanking the Military and First Responder Heroes

Project Details

Writing a letter is a meaningful way for Americans to say “Thank You” support for all who serve. It only takes a few minutes of your day but will bring lasting joy to the recipients. Operation Gratitude includes handwritten letters in every Care Package sent to Military and First Responders. In these unprecedented times, our heroes need our unwavering support. Taking the time to put pen to paper and share your heartfelt thoughts can be what motivates a First Responder or a service member.

Start with a salutation, such as “Dear Hero”, “Dear Service Member” or “Dear First Responder”…

Express your thanks for their selfless service.

Please don’t date your letters, sometimes it can take up to a few months for our care packages to be received after they are sent.

Avoid politics completely and religion in excess; however, saying you are praying for them is wonderful.

Share a little about yourself: family, hobbies, work, school, pets, travel.

Adults: Include your contact information (mail or email) so the recipient can reply. Children: USE FIRST NAMES ONLY and no addresses please. Due to time and location limitations, they might not reply; please do not be disappointed

Handwritten letters only: front & back = 1 hour max of 3 hours

Put your letters in an unaddressed envelope with $0.50 for postage & put them in a Ziploc baggie with your name & Team on baggie.

Drop off letters at:

Newell home 5 Carriage Drive Foothill Ranch or

Walker home 23798 Skyline Mission Viejo

Ends June 20th

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