Community Service “For Cruz”

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New THHS service event!  The THHS Pep Squad has come up with a few ways to help support Cruz’ in his recovery. Here are the ways to volunteer:

1). Make a poster showing your support. Suggestions for posters “Let’s Go, Cruz!” “You’ve got this, Cruz!”

(Each poster equals 3 hours. Three hours maximum).

2). Make a card showing your support. (Each card equals 1 hour. 

Three hours maximum). 

3). Purchase and drop off a gift card to a local restaurant ($25 suggested amount). (Each card is worth 3 hours .Three hour maximum.)

4). Volunteer at sign up event for Ladera’s 4th of July 5k, selling t-shirts and bracelets and helping people sign up for 5k. Proceeds from 5k are going to Cruz’s recovery. Two shifts available-July 3, 2022 11:00-2:00 or 2:00-5:00. Three people needed for each shift. First people to sign up will be given the spots. (Three hours maximum).

Please drop off posters, cards, and gift cards by July 15th at Newell or Constantian house as usual. We will make sure they get to Cruz. Make sure to have your child write their name and team on whatever they drop off. Also have them fill out online form as usual. No signatures are required since THHS Pep Squad is hosting this volunteering event.

Let’s do our best to show Cruz our love and support!

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