Blast Fundraiser

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Hi THHS Pep Squad Parents,For those of you who were able to attend our Booster Meeting this week, you heard about how this year we will be partnering with Blast Athletics to help raise the necessary funds we need for our program this season. We expect this to be one of our largest fundraisers and we need everyone’s participation. Just last year over $11k was raised through a similar program (SnapRaise). Multiple other THHS programs have been using Blast with great success! There are unique advantages to using Blast, as well:

  • 82% of every dollar earned on 1 time donations goes directly to your individual Booster account
  • Blast also offers monthly donation options and if that is chosen, 90% of every dollar raised goes directly to your individual Booster account
  • Blast is ongoing, for the entire year, not just 30 days, so the opportunity to raise money is increased
  • Blast has a text option, as well as email and they do all the legwork for you…see below

We are asking each athlete to come up with a list of 20 contacts, who will be invited to sponsor the athletes and donate to our program.  The athletes will enter into Blast a cell phone number (preferred) or email address.  Once we go live, the contacts will receive a link from your athlete which will direct them to our team page where they will have an opportunity to donate.  And all donations are tax deductible.

Attached are the instructions on how to join Blast and download the BlastAthletics App to your phones.

Please help your athletes come up with a list of potential sponsors,  Contacts need to be entered into Blast by Tuesday 6/21!  This is the day that Blast will be at our morning practice to film the intro video and we will go live with the fundraiser that day.

Every week Blast sends out updates to all sponsors regarding what is happening with our team…schedules, pics, videos.  It keeps the sponsors connected to the athletes they sponsored and creates visibility for our program with the people directly supporting it.  And they feel good about donating!

If you have any questions about Blast, please reach out to Rachel Barrett on WhatsApp or email (

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